LGEF Education Week is one of our biggest opportunities of the year to raise funds to support teachers and staff at our schools.
This week our parent volunteers will be out in force visiting schools, putting up posters, hanging banners, installing yard signs, making calls and more. And we are thrilled to announce that, in support of Education Week, respected local business Hall & Burnett Orthodontics is donating $12,000 to LGEF (see photo above). Thank you, Dr. Burnett -- this really is something to smile about!
Here are five things you might not know:
Every donation makes a difference and all are appreciated. Support your school -- support your child -- donate to LGEF! Sincerely, Ryan Rosenberg, LGEF President and Parent P.S. LGEF encourages every parent to support your Home & School Club. They do great work. P.P.S. If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact us. We love to hear from you! Kristin Owens, Director of Strategic Marketing at Avnet (and current LGEF President) hands the check to LGEF Executive Director Deborah Weinstein. The LGEF Business Partner program is delighted to announce that Avnet, Inc. has donated $10,000 to LGEF.
Avnet, a Fortune 500 company, helps thousands of design engineers, entrepreneurs, start-ups and OEMS around the world navigate the product innovation and technology lifecycle. And now Avnet is helping support the education of the children of Los Gatos. Thank you Avnet! LGEF-funded Art Docents of Los Gatos offers many programs for our elementary students, including in-classroom lessons and an annual Art Show.
But did you know Art Docents also support art education at Fisher Middle School? It’s true. History? Check! Art Docents present art history in the French and Spanish classes. Science? You bet! Art Docents deliver a two-part class on Scientific Illustrations. See above for a picture of the Art Docents helping Fisher students draw bugs. Art electives? Sure! Art Docents manage a Guest Artist program, where a professional artist comes to art classes to give an informative and inspiring talk. Art by Fisher students will also be on display at this year’s Art Show (May 1-4). Come see the show, and maybe you’ll find Fisher students aren’t so bugged by art after all! LGEF is partnering with the Rotary Club of Los Gatos to bring dollars back to our schools. Each year, the Rotary Club sponsors the Great Race, a 4 mile footrace from Saratoga to Los Gatos along Highway 9. The race is now in it's 40th year. This year's event is on Sunday, April 30. When enrolling for the race at www.lggreatrace.com, use the promo code LGEF and 20% of your registration fee will be returned to us. And, if LGEF ends up with the most entrants, we will receive an extra $200 from the Rotary Club! Dr. Greg Burnett hands a check to LGEF President Kristen Owens The LGEF Business Partner program is pleased to announce that respected local business Hall & Burnett Orthodontics has made a generous $12,000 donation to the Los Gatos Education Foundation.
Long time donors, Hall & Burnett have been supporting Los Gatos community organizations for many years. Dr. Burnett commented, “At Hall & Burnett Orthodontics, our focus has always been on how we give back to this wonderful place in which we live, go to school and raise our families!” Huge thanks to Hall & Burnett for their support! After the shopping binge of "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday" it's nice to see a new type of "day" in our calendar: Giving Tuesday. Over 1,000 U.S. charities, community organizations, and businesses have banded together to promote this Tuesday as a day to give back, give more, and assist others. This year I suggest you give to our children by supporting the Los Gatos Education Foundation. You'll help Los Gatos school funding catch up with other Bay Area districts, and you'll ensure a high quality education for our students. Remember -- your contribution is tax-deductible and funds great programs that benefit the children of Los Gatos. Please donate today! For more information on Giving Tuesday visit: www.givingtuesday.org In this Thanksgiving season we at LGEF have much to be grateful for:
Even more to appreciate:
Regina Barhdyt Eric Dunstan Matt Fondiller Kate Hatton Erik Iversen Claire Nippress Kristin Owens Ryan Rosenberg Susan Tjoflat
Coby Bennette And finally, I am personally grateful for pants with expanding waistlines. Tomorrow is Thankgsiving and I'm really going to need them.. |