LGEF Board, Staff, and Volunteers
LGEF succeeds due to the talent and effort of many dedicated individuals, including both school parents and community members.
LGEF Board 2020-21
LGEF Staff
LGEF Teacher Advisory CouncilThe ongoing advice and advocacy of the LGEF Teacher Advisory Council is essential to accomplishing our mission of supporting teachers and staff. We thank all our council members for their service.
Holly Benjamin Mark Fanderl Shelley Gage Julia Lombardi Fran Mastroianni Julie Young LGEF VolunteersThe LGEF board would like to thank the many volunteers who have chosen to help our students, contributing their valuable time to LGEF during the current school year.
These volunteers are parents, staff, and other community members. They assist in a wide range of areas such as driving our vehicle in the holiday parade, business development, finance committee, developing video or photos, or representing LGEF to a grade level at a particular school. Thank you LGEF Volunteers! Your efforts are important and appreciated.
LGUSD Board Liaisons to LGEF